
I was born in Nottingham, UK and brought up on the myths and legends of Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest. I write what used to be called Medieval Fantasy, mostly because I studied the Medieval Period at Nottingham university and have an abiding love for those times. I went on to create my own myths and so the Firelord series was born. However, I also write steampunk-type short stories, or whatever takes my fancy when the muse strikes.
​ During the week I am a specialist literacy tutor, assessing and teaching people with dyslexia and other difficulties. I can not imagine life without books and reading, and strive to unlock the door for others
I am currently working on another series called Mirrorsmith Tales featuring a rascally character named Junah Venmark. In August 2013 a new anthology of fantasy and crime short fiction was released by Breakwater Harbor Books called Fusion. It includes the first story I wrote in the Mirrorsmith universe and is called The Sliver of Abilon - a Mirrorsmith Tale. Mirrors and wayportals connect all the realms of the Regium but there is a price paid for the freedom to travel between worlds. The last of the non-human race that created the portals, mad with grief, shattered the Great Mirror that should have created beauty, sending its shards into the furthest reaches. Now, twisted by pain and loathing, the semi-sentient shards seek out living creatures to infect and warp into evil. For centuries all that has stood in their way is the Mirrorsmiths' Guild.     Junah Venmark is a Mirrorsmith. Brash, wise-cracking, pain in the ass. Along with Sissik, his lemur-like wail, he hunts the lost shards and destroys the before they destroy all life in the Regium. The Sliver of Abilon takes Junah to a remote world where he may just be out of his depth - again.
"Writing is the geometry of the soul"